Vantisco Youth Education Center

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016

PowerPoint 2016: Core Presentation Design and Delivery Skills

Course Agenda: Total 15 hours Training per Course 

Audience: Anyone

Create and manage presentations

  1. Create a presentation
  2. Insert and format slides
  3. Modify slides, handouts, and notes
  4. Order and group slides
  5. Change presentation options and views
  6. Configure a presentation for print
  7. Configure and present a slide show

Insert and format text, shapes, and images  

  1. Insert and format text
  2. Insert and format shapes and text boxes
  3. Insert and format images
  4. Order and group objects

Insert tables, charts, SmartArt, and media  

  1. Insert and format tables
  2. Insert and format charts
  3. Insert and format SmartArt graphics
  4. Insert and manage media

Apply transitions and animations  

  1. Apply slide transitions
  2. Animate slide content
  3. Set timing for transitions and animations

Manage multiple presentations  

  1. Merge content from multiple presentations
  2. Finalize presentations