Vantisco Youth Education Center

Microsoft Excel 2016

Excel 2016: Core Data Analysis, Manipulation, and Presentation

Course Agenda: Total 15 hours Training per Course 

Audience : Anyone

Create and manage worksheets and workbooks  

  1. Create worksheets and workbooks
  2. Navigate in worksheets and workbooks
  3. Format worksheets and workbooks
  4. Customize options and views for worksheets and workbooks
  5. Configure worksheets and workbooks for distribution

Manage data cells and ranges 

  1. Insert data in cells and ranges
  2. Format cells and ranges
  3. Summarize and organize data

Create tables

  1. Create and manage tables
  2. Manage table styles and options
  3. Filter and sort a table

Perform operations with formulas and functions

  1. Summarize data by using functions
  2. Perform conditional operations by using functions
  3. Format and modify text by using functions

Create charts and objects

  1. Create charts
  2. Format graphic elements
  3. Insert and format objects